10 Fabulous Finds at Bluesky Browsing #15

This past week was the week that I kicked off Christmas at our house. This week’s 10 fabulous finds is all about Christmas ideas for your home, inspiration for making crafts, and resources to inspire, entertain or inform you.

Yes, there are still Thanksgiving decorations at our house, but I’m ready for the big switcher~roo.

I’ve been browsing back through Bluesky at Home for ideas from previous years. I’ve also saved lots of new ideas to share with you at 10 Fabulous Finds.

Those new ideas have led to a trip to Dollar Tree and other craft stores. I’ve been busy on Amazon, too.

I’m constantly discovering fabulous finds to inspire us. My goal is to help you find ideas for your home decor, your crafting, your home organization, and anything about home. I’ll throw in some good blogging information that I think will be beneficial to you.

Ready to see this week’s fab finds?

10 Fabulous Finds at Bluesky Browsing #15

This post contains affiliate links to products and resources you may love to have. If you should purchase anything from this site, I may be compensated, but you don’t pay a penny more.

In case you missed last week’s 10 Fabulous Finds, here is Bluesky Browsing #14.


  1. I watched three webinar’s this week: one with Mike Futia of SEO Next Level; one on the pros of cons of Yoast SEO (consensis was definitely pro) from Top Hat Rank; a Q & A with Mike of Stupid Simple SEO.
  2. I created a PRINTABLES PAGE on Bluesky at Home, a project I’ve been wanting to do for months. I added links to several updated checklists and guides. I’ll be adding more as I update old ones and create new ones. I hope you’ll visit the page and sign up to receive one of the PRINTABLES.
  3. I signed up for a couple of courses: one with Cindy Bidar about updating optins and one from Amy Harrop about creating checklists. Both courses came highly recommended and I’m really excited about them.
  4. Do you use the Bookmark option on your Chrome browser. I have always saved documents, courses and links to it. The list is so long and not in alphabetical order, so it’s a bit of a mess. For the first time, I used the Add to Reading List option. I copied all my courses into it. Now it’s a much shorter list and easy to find and access the courses I want to work on.
  5. Last week at Bluesky at Home was all about Christmas: How to Make an Ornament Christmas Wreath, How to Make Christmas Tiles for Your Decorations, 10 Fabulous Finds #14


  1. Since my son is here, I took advantage of a few days before he starts his 10~week assignment at a local hospital. He helped me finish adding another shelf to the upstairs closet in one of our guest rooms ~ a prject he helped me starat last summer when he was home for a few days. We added the shelf and arranged all the storage boxes and home decor items that I use during the year. Finally, I have my dream home decor storage closet.
  2. We also started cleaning our our garage, throwing away stuff that had been piling up and we didn’t need. We opened a couple dozen old paint cans to dry out. The garage isn’t finished, but getting started felt so good.
  3. I hosted my tennis team for an end~of~season party. Everyone brought an appetizer and a bottle of wine to share. We got to show off our new backyard. Sweet Shark made an Apple Cider Martini for everyone, which was a big hit. I’ll share the recipe on one of next week’s posts.
  4. Every day this week has been fall~picture~perfect. I’ve been walking Nola and Hank (son’s dog) every day. I’m not sure who enjoys the walks more.
  5. The solar ourdoor fairy lights that I ordered last week arrived and I put them up on our back fence. You can’t have too many lights in the back yard.


This post contains affiliate links to products recommended here. If you should order anything from this site, I may receive compensation, but you don’t pay a penny more.

Here we go with Bluesky Browsing #15. This is a really great list for everyone.

  1. Melanie of Southern Crush shared 21 Creative Ideas to Reuse Christmas Ornaments (one like my ornament wreath. So many great projects to check out.

2. I love blue and white and I love decoupage projects. Monica of Monica Wants It shared this really cool ornament project.

3. Did you know that there are places that not only will sell you a Christmas tree but deliver it to you? Here are 7 places that will sell and deliver Christmas trees to you.

4. I saw a cute Christmas tree DIY project that I want to try. I ordered the two major supplies I need: styrofoam cones in several sizes and a large container of green glitter. I’ll share the project when it’s finished.

5. Ready for a Christmas cocktail.? This Rudolph’s Cranberry Mocktail from Claire Justine would be perfect for those who want to celebrate the holidays without the alcohol.

6. Joy of Artful Homemaking shared these Christmas tree ornaments made from ticking fabric. They are easy and so cute.

7. If you are thinking about starting a blog or just want more information to make your blog better, then check out this course from Word Press courses.

8. The stencils that I ordered from A Maker’s Studio arrived: the Nutcracker Review and the Christmas To~Do List Bundle. Would you like some awesome Christmas crafting inspiration? Of course, you do. Check out these great ideas for using stencils with a variety of finishes, such as paints and etching cream.

9. I saw a really cute garland project so I ordered these white 1~inch wool felt balls. I also ordered these red and white wool felt balls from Etsy.

10. BOOK OF THE WEEK: As I shared, I am an avid reader. I’m never without a book. I keep a running list of books I read. I checked and I now have 797 on the list.

The Secrets of a Charmed Life is another novel based on real~life that straddles two time frames: 1940’s England at the beginning of World War II and the present day. American scholar Kendra interviews Isabel as the elderly woman is on the verge of revealing secrets decades old.

I promise that you will be sucked into the lives of women dealing with the terror of a world war told through the eyes of a modern~day woman. Susan Meissner is an expert at pulling you into the lives of women dealing with the horrors of war.

It’s a captivating tale of women trying to find their way during a new world struggle. I loved the characters and the trials they faced. A must~read.

That wraps up the 15th edition of Bluesky Browsing. What was your favorite from this collection of 10 favorite finds?

What are your favorite topics? I’d love to know what topics you are curious about. Let me know in the comments and I’ll search browse for them. Be sure to PIN to keep these ideas handy.

pin for later graphic in blue
red and white felt balls

In between writing posts, taking courses, reading, and doing various blogging tasks, walking Nola, and playing tennis, I’ll be browsing away.

In the spirit of Christmas, I’m using my new holiday signature.

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  1. Love those ticking ornaments; hope to find some bargain ticking or towels–for NEXT year. Survived the church fair last week and NOW I am trying to get presents wrapped to mail…it never ends! Also loved the household fix-up tips! Happy Thanxgiving.

    1. Aren’t they the cutest? I’m on the hunt for ticking fabric.

  2. Calypso in the Country says:

    Great projects and ideas! I’ve been thinking about making a version of those ticking ornaments…we’ll see how motivated I am.. And yes -isn’t Secrets of a Charmed Life amazing? I read it a couple years ago and it’s one of my all time favorites. I remember crying and feeling such emotion. I’ve read almost all of Susan Meissner’s novels. She’s the master of historical fiction in my opinion! Have a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Shelley, it’s so great to share a good read with friends. I just finished my latest book this morning and I cried for the last 20 pages. I’ll share it in next week’s Bluesky Browsing. Happy Thanksgiving.

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