Our Merry and Bright Christmas Master Bedroom

Do you decorate your bedroom for Christmas? I’m ready to give you some ideas to create a merry and bright Christmas master bedroom.

I love when our home is finally and completely decorated for Christmas. Then we can just enjoy the lights, the garland, the Santas and the festive feel.

Getting our home ready for the holidays is a week long process because along with decorating the house, life goes on all around us.

It may seem more normal to start with the front door or the living room for a Christmas tour, but this year I am so in love with our bedroom that I just had to share it with you first.

I’ve never decorated our bedroom quite this much and never in red ~ yes, dear friends, the dominant color in our bedroom is red. Merry and bright Christmas red. Sweet Shark is loving it.

A little red here and a lot of red there has given our Christms master bedroom a cheery, festive vibe, for sure. Too bad we don’t have a fireplace like our last bedroom; I think Santa would be happy to come down the chimney into our merry and bright Christmas master bedroom and leave us some presents.

Our Merry and Bright Christmas Master Bedroom

This post contains links to products that are used in this decor. If you should order any item from this post, I may receive compensation, but you do not pay a penny more  

I’m not sure when I decided to go for red in our master bedroom this year. Last year’s master bedroom was all white and silver. As I found items that would give the room a decidedly red theme, it just seemed like the right thing for this year. So let’s get this sleigh ride going.

Although the bed is the main focus of any master bedroom, I’m going to start with a few other vignettes in the room first.

TIP: Before beginning to decorate your Christmas master bedroom, decide on a color scheme and a theme

Our Console Table with Santas and Snowmen

Do you have a table in your master bedroom? If so, it’s a great place to add a pretty Christmas vignette.

Right as you walk into our bedroom, a narrow console holds books and pictures on the two shelves. I leave the top level for display. This was the perfect place to add a few snowmen and Santas, which have been all over our home, and a tree with colored lights.

After I couldn’t find any more $1.00 trees at Dollar tree, I found this one at Joann on sale for less than $5.00. The white Christmas gauzy “fabric” was $1.00 at Dollar Tree.

Santas and Snowmen in the Master Bedroom

Put a Christmas Tree in the Bedroom

This is the second or third year that we have had a Christmas tree in our bedroom. I love the focal point and the seasonal ambiance that it gives to our bay window.

I bought this tree at Hobby Lobby two years ago on sale. A big plaid ribbon tops the tree.

Usually, the tree has white and gold and blue ornaments, but this year I added some red and green ornaments that I tied with sheer red fabric. (Last year I used the fabric for our Christmas tablescape. Definitely a case of reusing.)

Christmas ornaments with red ribbon ties

Under the tree I place our collection of Baccarat and Waterford angels, Santas, trees, polar bears and a reindeer. This is one of my favorite scenes every year. The “snow” is a piece of fabric I purchased last year at Joann. I also used it as a tree skirt.

Our Merry and Bright Red Christmas Bed

I knew that only a lot of red on our bed would make the statement that I wanted. I made a list of the items I would need:

  • white bed skirt to cover our everyday blue and yellow plaid one
  • white pillow shams to cover our Euro pillows ~ I already had those
  • Christmas sheets
  • red fabric to cover our yellow fabric headboard
  • a red throw for the foot of the bed
  • fabric to cover the yellow cushion on our bench at the foot of our bed ~ I already had that
  • red theme pillows for the bench
  • cute Christmas pillow for the bed

The White Bed Skirt

It would take a couple of guys to lift our mattress to remove our everyday bed skirt and then to put it back.

Rather than go to the hassle and expense, I found an elastic white bed skirt that goes around the bed and covers the bed skirt. For the short time it’s on our bed, this was the perfect solution. It took all of 5 minutes to put on the bed. You can adjust the fit up or down around your bed which helped to cover our bed skirt.

You can see a peek at our Christmas sheets.

I took the duvet off our down comforter; it fits the bed better this way.

candy cane sheets

Fabric to Cover the Headboard and Sheets

I love using fleece for throws at the end of our bed; it comes in so many colors and no sewing required. Originally, I bought this large piece of bright red fleece to use as a throw on the bed ~ I even cut a fringe edge on it. Then I realized that it would be so easy to cover the headboard with it instead. I just centered the fleece on the headboard and tucked it behind and around, smoothing the fabric. I love this!!

Once the red fleece was on the headboard, I added a small length of faux garland and battery~operated lights.

For the sheets, first, I looked at Target and Home Goods, but didn’t find anything. Then I did a lot of searching online and asked Sweet Shark’s opinion. We didn’t want anything too cutesy or childlike. At last, I found these simple candy cane sheets at Pottery Barn. I ordered them and when they arrived, I washed them. They got a little wrinkled so after I put them on the bed, I ironed the top of the top sheet. Have you ever done that?

You might notice that I don’t have the while pillow shams on the Euro pillows; in September, when  took them off the bed, washed and ironed them, I put them away. We can’t find them. We’ve looked everywhere. I know that after Christmas, they will show up. Isn’t that infuriating?

Cute Christmas Pillow

On my visit to Home Goods, I found so many cute Christmas pillows, it was hard to decide which one. Since I used my “vintage” red truck in my hot chocolate bar and on our living room coffee table, I had red trucks on my mind. I love the crewel treatment, design and colors on this one and it’s the right size.

Christmas truck pillows on red and white bed

Christmas Throw on the Bed

This was harder to find. I wanted a throw to drape completely across the foot of our bed (hence, my original idea of using the fleece.) There are no throws that are made like this. When I finally found a throw with the right red color and pattern ~ a sweater pattern! ~ at Target that I loved, I bought two and hand sewed them together using red yarn.

Next year, if I want to have two throws in the living room, I can easily remove the red yarn.

We are almost there!

Christmas truck pillows on red and white bed

Bench and Pillows

For the bench at the foot of our bed, I used a fluffy throw I bought last year at Target to cover the cushion. I already had the perfect pillows in a grey check from Home Goods. I just used four dish towels to cover them, using more red yarn to sew them. Easy peasy.

white bench with red check pillows

For a final touch, I added red poinsettias on our nightstands. Such a simple way to bring in another pop of Christmas red into the bedroom. You can see here how the lights look when turned on. I like the lights even during the daytime.

Christmas truck pillows on red and white bed
Christmas tree in master bedroom

Sweet Dreams in our Master Bedroom

As I’ve said before, at Christmas time, the magic happens at night. Next to the console table in an alcove, is our armoire which holds the TV and drawers. It always gets the garland and light treatment.

armoire with garland and lights

The Christmas tree on the console lights up.

Santas and Snowmen in bedroom with Christmas Lghts

And, of course, the 4-foot tree. When our shutters are open, the lights reflect and it’s extra pretty.

The lighted garland on our headboard adds a sweet glow. I just reach up and switch them off when it’s bedtime.

I truly wish that you enjoyed our Christmas master bedroom tour. Do you decorate your bedroom for the holidays? We do spend 1/3 of our days here.

Check out our latest cozy Christmas bedroom and bath.

It’s nice to give it a little bit of Christmas magic. Maybe some inspiration and ideas for you? If so, please PIN and share.

Christmas pin for later

I’ll be sharing more of our Christmas decor next week.

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  1. So bright and festive and cozy Carol! I bet you loved it over the holidays. And I really like your angels under the tree – the crystal is totally gorgeous! 💗 Hope you have a great new year!

  2. Wow! What a festive atmosphere to wake up to all season long! I only put up a tree and window candles in my master bedroom – now I feel like a slacker LOL! Your crystal pieces on a “snow” blanket around the base of the tabletop tree is a brilliant idea!

  3. Kathy Allen says:

    I am so behind on decorating; I’m busy making Christmas for other people! Absolutely loved everything. I bought fleece at Joann’s and made simple pillow covers for 2 bed pillows (on my couch) with red trucks with a load of Christmas trees. I have never done a theme and this year, red trucks is it! My fave was your beautiful crystal under the tree!

  4. MARY-ANN (FROM CANADA!) says:

    Carol, your master bedroom is so pretty! What a great job you have done in decorating it. Enjoy this most wonderful time of the year!

  5. Very beautiful job! How did you make the cover for the headboard?


    1. Mona, as I explained in the post, I just draped the fabric over the headboard and tucked it behind our existing headboard. Thank you for visiting.

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