10 Fabulous Finds at Bluesky Browsing #14

This week was again all about Thanksgiving. I have 10 fabulous finds for your home, inspiration for making crafts, and resources to inspire, entertain or inform you.

With so much attention to planning for Thanksgiving ~ after all, there are now less than two weeks until turkey day ~ I’m focusing on ideas for Thanksgiving, but adding a few Christmas articles, too..

Starting next week, I will be focusing on Christmas ideas on Bluesky at Home. I’m on the search for great Christmas ideas to share here at 10 Fabulous Finds

I’m constantly discovering fabulous finds to inspire us. My goal is to help you find ideas for your home decor, your crafting, your home organization, and anything about home. I’ll throw in some good blogging information that I think will be beneficial to you.

Ready to see this week’s fab finds?

10 Fabulous Finds at Bluesky Browsing #14

This post contains affiliate links to products and resources you may love to have. If you should purchase anything from this site, I may be compensated, but you don’t pay a penny more.

In case you missed last week’s 10 Fabulous Finds, here is Bluesky Browsing #13.


  1. I met with my little PInterest Mastermind group. We welcomed a knew member so now our group has five members. We meet every other week to discuss our wins, our Pinterest goals for the next couple of weeks, and any other information to share.
  2. For the first time in months, I offered freebies on two posts. Yeah!!
  3. I watched an SEO webinar from Yoast SEO.
  4. I fine~tuned my editorial calendar for the rest of the year. Have you planned out your last 6 weeks of the year?
  5. This week at Bluesky at Home was all about Thanksgiving: 10 Fabulous Finds #13, 9 Easy Steps to Set a Thanksgiving Table, Pumpkin Ravioli with Sage Brown Butter Appetizer.


We have had a beautiful week. Just like in Camelot, it rained one night after sundown.

  1. We took our friends Valerie and Bill out to dinner as a thank you for their wonderful hospitality hosting us in Hilton Head. Always fun dining out with friends.
  2. Our oldest son arrived from Denver on Thursday. He has been an ICU/trauma traveling nurse for 4 years. He will be here for 10 weeks at a local hospital while he gets a PRN certificate. We’re so excited to have him here over the holidays with his chocolate Lab Hank. I hope that Hank, who is ten, can handle our 10-month-old Nola.
  3. Friday night, we hosted four couples for a little appetizer/cocktail party. This was the first time we have hosted friends since our backyard makeover. Everyone loved it. Now we have enough light to have guests after dark. Everyone loved the new backyard. Party time is back.
  4. The house is decorated with turkeys all over the place. I’ll post some pics on my Instagram.
  5. We emptied all our hay racks ~ we have 8 across the back fence. We cleaned out several pots of spent flowers and moved the pots around the side of the house.


This post contains affiliate links to products recommended here. If you should order anything from this site, I may receive compensation, but you don’t pay a penny more.

Here we go with Bluesky Browsing #14. This is a really great list for everyone.

  1. This delicious pumpkin dessert from Tammy of Patini and Paint would be perfect for Thanksgiving, especially if your guests aren’t into pumpkin or pecan pie.

2. Have you ever been to a place (hiking, the beach, at the lake, on a road trip) where you can’t get an Internet signal? I found this really cool gadget online to get an Internet connection. I haven’t ordered it, but I’m keeping the link handy for a future road trip. Check it out and make your own decision.

3. You have to visit this gorgeous Massachusetts Farmhouse decorated for Christmas. Every room is picture~perfect and offers so much inspiration. I’ve looked at it five times.

4. On the news, we have heard joking about how dollar stores will have to raise their prices to meet the growing inflation and supply and demand issues. Now, Dollar Tree has made it official with the announcement that it “plans to begin adding new price points above $1 across all Dollar Tree Plus stores and will begin testing additional price points above $1 in selected legacy Dollar Tree stores.” To learn about the complete release, read the full article.

5. Do you have a four~legged friend in your home? With a new puppy in our home this year, we want to keep our Nola safe with decorations all over the place. (She’s already chewed up two of my turkeys) This article gives four pieces of advice for keeping your pets safe during the holidays.

6. Are you ready to create some DIY decorations for Christmas? A Makers’ Studio just released 22 brand new super cute Christmas stencils. I placed my order already. I urge you to order now for the best selection. Here’s a glance at 6 of the 22.

7. Still need some ideas for fall decorations? Melanie of Simple Made Pretty shared 18 ideas for leaf projects. Some of these would be great as kids’ projects when they are out of school for the Thanksgiving holiday.

8. The solar fairy lights across our back fence went out for good a few months ago. (We think the squirrels ate the wire.) With Christmas around the corner, I wanted to replace them. I just order this set of two.

9. To all my blogger friends: Put Haven 2022 on your calendar. SAVE The Date ~ July 21 – 23rd, 2022 at the Grand Hyatt Buckhead in Atlanta!! If you have never been to Haven, it’s not to be missed. Tickets will go on sale March 1st, 2022.

10. BOOK OF THE WEEK: As I shared, I am an avid reader. I’m never without a book. I keep a running list of books I read. I checked and I now have 797 on the list.

My latest book is The Social Graces by Renée Rosen. I’m not familiar with the author, but the story is fascinating. You’ve heard of the Astors and the Vanderbilts, the most prominent members of New York high society during the Gilded Age.

I’ve never read a book about this time and place in our history and culture. Thoroughly based in historical research, but with poetic license, the author explores the individual lives of and the strained relationship between Caroline Astor and Alva Vanderbilt.

The lives of the super~wealthy in Manhatten from 1870 to 1910 is so opulent and decadent, it makes today’s 1% of society mere paupers. Their homes, balls, multiple homes, jewelry and gowns are hard to take in. Getting into “society” was the goal of any women with money and position. You were either in or out.

The personal lives of Caroline Astor and Alva Vanderbilt form the center of the book. Very different in age, motivations, and personalities, these two women still have family they love, aspirations, desires, and fears. Like women throughout history, they both experience great loss as they have to deal with society’s constant inspection of their lives.

I was constantly Googling the families and characters in this book. The story is more fascinating because much of it is true. If you love historical fiction with women at the forefront, I highly recommend this story.

That wraps up the 14th edition of Bluesky Browsing. What was your favorite from this collection of 10 favorite finds?

What are your favorite topics? I’d love to know what topics you are curious about. Let me know in the comments and I’ll search browse for them. Be sure to PIN to keep these ideas handy.

pin for later graphic in blue

In between writing posts, taking courses, reading, and doing various blogging tasks, walking Nola, and playing tennis, I’ll be browsing away.

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  1. Thanks for the shout out Carol! I’m definitely checking out that little device from Amazon. Also, the Dollar Tree Plus store that I go to occasionally in Arlington has already begun raising prices. They still have mostly $1 items, however they have sections that now have $3 and $5 items. Now I have to pay attention! ha! That farmhouse… so beautiful. Thanks for sharing all of your finds.

  2. Great finds, Carol! Hopefully, I’ll be able to make it to Haven this year. I’ve only been once! Enjoy your weekend!

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