10 Fabulous Finds at Bluesky Browsing #7

Are you here to see this week’s 10 fabulous finds for fall, inspiration for making crafts, and resources to inspire, entertain or inform you?

I have 10 new ideas for you this week. A lot of emphasis on fall decor and fall crafts.

10 Fabulous Finds at Bluesky Browsing #7 is here. I have a long list of things to share, but 10 is the magic number.

I’ve discovered some fabulous finds to inspire us. My goal is to help you find ideas for your home decor, your crafting, your home organization, and anything about home. I’ll throw in some good blogging information that I think will be beneficial to you.

Where do I find these ideas? Everywhere! New and wonderful ideas pop up in so many places. So let’s get going.

10 Fabulous Finds at Bluesky Browsing #7

This post contains affiliate links to products and resources you may love to have. If you should purchase anything from this site, I may be compensated, but you don’t pay a penny more.


It was a great week on the blog. I shared some DIY Halloween projects (it’s not too early!) and some pumpkin DIY projects.

  1. I mentioned that I started working on the course, Journey to the Center of Amazon, from Debbie Gartner of The Flooring GIrl. We can find just about anything on the planet on Amazon. After going through the first half of Debbie’s course, I discovered I’ve been doing a lot of things wrong. With new tools, I’ll be better at sharing Amazon links with my readers.
  2. Our breakfast room table is still covered in pumpkins ~ paper maché, foam, plastic ~ and supplies, just not as many as last week. Projects, projects everywhere.
  3. This coming week is PInterest Challenge Week on Tuesday. It’s all about fall bedrooms. Look for lots of fall bedroom ideas next week.
  4. I have the supplies for a new wreath project I’m going to make this coming week. It involves sstraw and flannel.
  5. Here are the posts that I shared last week: DIY Paint and Stencil Halloween Decorations, How to Decorate Pumpkins with Rope and Twine, and 10 Fabulous Finds #6.


  1. I started Bridgerton, just Episode 1. Yes, I know it was on quite a while ago. I love period and historical books and movies. Aren’t the costumes in this one divine? I missed The Morning Show last night, but will get to it this weekend.
  2. On Sunday, Sweet Shark and I made an appointment at the Apple Store. After two hours and a bunch of questions, we are now the proud owners of new iPhones. He got the iPhone 12 and I chose the iPhone 12 Pro. I wanted some extra phone features. I’m getting used to the new larger size and not having a home button. What iPhone to you have and what are your favorite features?
  3. It’s been almost two weeks without my distance contact prior to my cataract surgery on October 4th. This coming Monday, I go in for final tests. I’ve been using my regular distance glasses (for watching TV without a contact), which I rarely wore. I bought those funny clip on sunglass lens to go over them. I feel dorkey, but I did go to tennis drills twice last week; I’m just not playing matches.
  4. Do you let your dog on the bed? In my entire life, I’ve never had a dog sleep on the bed ~ they were too big and shed. Sweet Shark starting letting Nola get on the bed at night. She doesn’t shed and she is small enough, but she moves around alot. Not sure how I feel about this. I put her in her crate before I go to bed. This girl needs her beauty sleep.
  5. The weather the last few days has been gorgeous. 70’s in the morning and warm in the afternoon. This is Nola’s first fall and the coolest weather she has ever known. She’s so frisky on our morning walks. She doesn’t know what’s coming her way in the coming months.


Here we go with Bluesky Browsing #7.

  1. If you have read Bluesky at Home for any length of time, you know I’m a big fan of Simple Pin Media with Kate Ahl. If you’re brand new to Pinterest, definitely check out their new free email training. It’s a step by step guide to getting set up on Pinterest the RIGHT way. Here is the link to sign up for the course!

2. Who doesn’t love a pretty fall vignette? My friend Coco of The Crowned Goat has some lovely fall vignettes to share.

fall neutral fall vignette in basket tray

3. As bloggers, or moms, or business owners, we have so many tasks, to complete to keep things running or reach our next goal.

I don’t know about you, but I can feel overwhelmed, thinking I have to do all of the things, all at once, all of the time. Debbie Gartner of The Flooring Girl (I am taking her Journey to the Center of Amazon course right now.) passed along this very helpful TEDTalk about doing just one thing for 1 minute to form a new habit. I found it very helpful so I’m passing it on.

4. When you think of the scents of pumpkin spice, baked apples, and warm cinnamon, what comes to mind? Fall!

When Sweet Shark and I were unpacking our fall decorations last week, I opened a box that smelled exactly like fall. It was full of candles that I use during the fall season. The scent of cinnamon was overwhelming (notice I didn’t say overpowering); it made me want to rush into the kitchen and bake a cinnamon cake.

I have an amazing cinnamon cake recipe that, although I posted it as the Best Father’s Day Cake Ever, it is perfect for fall. I promise.

5. Love a luscious front porch overflowing with pumpkins and all things fall? This one will have you wishing fall would never end. You could play a game of guess how many pumpkins.

I bought our first pumpkins of the year at Trader Joe’s yesterday. I have to buy a bit at a time and keep adding to our front door area.

6. Have you seen Martha Stewart’s new farmhouse kitchen? It’s drop dead gorgeous. Her collection of copper is mind~bockling. You can’t miss it.

7. I absolutely love this fall home tour featuring soft blues and pale oranges.

8. No one wants to reinvent the wheel, especially when it is a really good wheel. That can also be said of content on your blog. That awesome, unbelievable DIY project you made and posted about in 2020 is still darn good great. So why not make it even better and update it for all the millions or readers who didn’t see it on the first go~round? Yoast SEO has 10 Steps to Update Your Content. It’s free and a great article.

9. You can’t have enough pumpkins in the fall and you can’t enough fall cocktail recipes. Notice I didn’t say you can’t enough fall cocktails! I said fall cocktail RECIPES. Just wanted to be clear.

Sweet Shark loves to find new cocktails to try out and I love to find them for him. This fall cocktail collection looks yummy for a chilly fall night by the fireplace, wrapped in a cozy throw. My favorite cocktail was this one ~ Blushing Maple Cocktail.

fall cocktail with cranberries and kumquat
Source: Blaine Moats

10. I can’t help it. I have to share one more fall~inspired post. This one is a fall tablescape from Emily of Le Cultivateur. It is lovely and she has a knack for creating a beautiful table.

fall tablescape with white pumpkins and greenery

That wraps up the 7th edition of Bluesky Browsing. DId you like my 10 favorite finds?

What are your favorite topics? I’d love to know topics that you are curious about. Let me know in the comments and I’ll search browse for them. Be sure to PIN to keep these ideas handy.

pin for later graphic in blue

In between writing posts, taking courses, reading, and doing various blogging tasks, and walking Nola, I’ll be browsing away.

Have a great weekend.

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  1. Beautiful fall inspiration – and that porch! <3 Also, I loved Bridgerton…great for the sets and costumes alone, but drooling over Regé-Jean Page was a definite bonus ;).

  2. You are so sweet to feature our post in this fabulous round-up of Fall favorites, Carol, thank you so much! I really appreciate it. Hope you’re having a great week so far – I can’t wait to dive into these links, CoCo

  3. Thank you so much for sharing my tablescape!! You’re so sweet!! Loving all the amazing things you shared in this post! Happy weekend!

  4. Rebecca Payne says:

    I simply the the Fall porch. Beauitful.

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