My Favorite Home Decor Ideas from 2017

I never can too many home decor ideas. Or stacks of shelter magazines or too much HGTV (at least the programs that focus on home decor). We can’t completely change our homes every year or every season, but we can be inspired and learn to incorporate new items with our existing decor can give us the fresh, in~style feel we want in our homes. I tried to do just that this year, so here are my favorite home decor ideas from 2017.

Inspiration came from many sources; mostly from Instagram (A major concentrated effort on my part to engage on this platform, but that’s for another post.), Pinterest, HGTV magazine (my favorite), and browsing in my local designer shops. Ideas are everywhere and I think it’s harder to narrow down your home decor focus than to struggle to find inspiration. My favorite home decor ideas and projects for the year were an attempt to find a balance between what our home looks like now and what I want it to look like. It’s a never ending process ~ but one I love.

My Favorite Home Decor Ideas from 2017

I’ve said before that I’m a “tweaker” and I’m always tweaking; changing out a pillow or 2, switching out lamps, moving furniture around, moving around a painting. And I love discovering what others have done in their homes. Oh such fun! I did quite a bit of that in 2017 and I’m sure 2018 will be no exception. So here’s my chosen best home decor ideas for last year.

Best Flea Market Finds that Joanna Would Love

You don’t have to ask me who Joanna is, right? One thing we agree on is a love for flea market finds. Never one to pass up an opportunity to shop through an old warehouse full of “junk”, I love flea market finds and never miss an opportunity to browse through an antique mall or even a field, searching for that special item you didn’t know you needed. I “shopped” my home to share some of very favorites.

My Best Flea Market Finds that Joanna Would Love. Flea market finds that Fixer Upper says you should have in your home decor.

Master Bedroom Gets a Spring Update

Last spring, in the almost 4 years that we had been in our home, I had never touched our master bedroom. That changed in March when I decided to give the room a lighter, airier palette with the fresh bedding or accessories.. My favorite touches were a new lamps and a monogrammed pillow. A few other accessories and artwork gave the room the lift that it needed (at least, I thought it needed one.) This new look stayed until September when the orginal bedding returned, but the lamps and artwork stayed.

8 Easy Spring Decorating Ideas For Your Master Bedroom. I'll show how I gave our master bedroom a lighter look for spring 2017.

10 New Spring Accessories Ideas

I love accessories. I think they are the special touches that give a room character and life. What a difference new lamps, art, vases, frames and pillows can make. Especially at spring time when you want to have a fresh new look in your home. I fortunately found just the right items ~ new lamps and pillows ~ at Home Goods and At Home. Right colors, right price, right scale. And rearranging accessories that you already have can make a huge difference ~ all without spending much moola.

10 Awesome Accessories for Beautiful Spring Decorating. Great tips for how accessories in spring decorating bring a lighter palette and cleaner look.

Modern Farmhouse Kitchen

This kitchen was a random act of home decor discovery when I had the pleasure of interviewing the homeover for a monthly local magazine article that I write. We started talking about her favorite party recipe and ended up discussing how she designed and outfitted her kitchen. Fortunately I had my camera with me and was able to capture the open modern space with farmhouse details. This post was a real hit ~ let’s face it, we all love beautiful kitchens.

Gorgeous Modern Farmhouse Kitchen

Fall Decor Brings a Change in Color

In mid~September, I participated in a fall home decor tour with over 30 other bloggers. Well, when you are sharing your home with millions (O.K. maybe just thousands), you really want it look its best. I pulled in some new accessories to perk up my living room, continuing a theme of turquoise and metallics that I had started in September. The color scheme was one of my favorites with gold, copper and brass ~ which turned out to be everyone’s favorite this year ~ complementing the bright turquoise.

Fabulous Fall Home Tour ~ 35 Homes Share Inspiration. Fall decorating at its finest with bloggers sharing great home decor inspiration for the fall season.

I really loved all the spring and fall changes that we made to our home. What do you think of my favorite home decor ideas? Do you agree with my choices? I hope that you at least found some ideas for your own living spaces for the new year. Please Pin if you did. I’m looking for more inspiration myself for 2018.

Here is My Favorite DIY and Craft Projects from 2017.

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  1. As always, you’ve left me inspired with some great ideas! I was looking home decor ideas and I like the valuable information provided by you. Thanks for sharing.

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