How to Make an Easy Peach Dessert – Delicious Summer Galette

Peaches are everywhere this time of year. Let me show you a delicious way to use the bounty of summer. Let’s make an easy peach dessert.

Did you say “I really need a great dessert for the beautiful peaches that I see at the market”? Or did you say “I need an easy dessert that I can prep in less than 30 minutes”? Maybe you said “I need a dessert that isn’t too sweet and has some healthy ingredients, like berries or cherries or peaches”? I thought I heard you say “Teach me how to make an easy peach dessert, please”?

I’d love to teach you how to make this delicious summer dessert.

Do you know what a galette is? Sounds French doesn’t it? It is. It’s also so delicious and simple.

Peaches and pastry go hand in hand in summer. So let me show you how to make a peach galette. The recipe is at the end of the instructions.

How to Make an Easy Peach Dessert ~ Delicious Summer Galette

I love buying peaches from our local Dallas Farmers Market when I can.

peaches in baskets for peach galette

We love our east Texas peaches and I couldn’t wait to use them in a pie ~ or rather a galette.

A few weeks ago, I shared my favorite Peach Cobbler recipe. Be sure to grab that recipe, too.


It’s a French term ~ the French have a term for almost everything in cooking.

“A galette is a flat round or freeform crusty cake of pastry often topped with fruit and baked.”

The great thing about a galette is that you don’t have to be so careful about rolling out the crust into a perfect circle like a pie. You don’t need a pie plate. A sheet pan will do just fine.

I love galettes because they are easy to make and I love the rustic appearance. I can pretend I’m a French country housewife who just threw together this amazing peach dessert between milking cows and tending the garden.

And the fruit filling? Almost any fruit will do, especially berries and peaches, apples, pears, and cherries, or any combination. You just want to have about 3 cups of fruit.

Depending on the sweetness of your fruit, you add about 1/3 ~ 1/2-cup of sugar. Lemon juice is added for a little tartness. Vanilla for flavor. Spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, or cardamom are also added. Cornstarch is added to thicken the filling. Throw in a pinch of salt to bring out the flavor in the other ingredients and your filling is done.

Instead of making the galette crust from scratch, you can use store~bought pie crust.

For this recipe, I used puff pastry, one of my favorite doughs to work with. I’ve been making fruit galettes for years using puff pastry and I love the way the dough puffs up when it is baked. It looks really pretty.

Pepperidge Farm is my favorite brand and one that is available in most grocery stores. You’ll find it in the refrigerated section.  Two sheets come in one package, wrapped in paper.

NOTE: Puff pastry must stay cold in the refrigerator. If it gets warm, it will become a gooey mess and you can’t use it. It can be stored in the freezer and thawed for about 30 minutes before using it.

TIP: If you are using only 1 sheet of puff pastry, wrap the other one tightly in plastic wrap and then in foil. You can then freeze it.


Here’s the how~to for this simple, yet delicious and lovely peach dessert.

You may know by now that I am a stickler for doing your mise en place ahead of time before you even start baking or cooking. Remember what mise en place means?

Preheat your oven to 425˚F.


First, combine your dry ingredients in a bowl.

TIP: You can measure all the dry ingredients directly into the same bowl.

NOTE: In addition to whisking vinaigrettes and sauces, a whisk is a great tool for thoroughly combining dry ingredients.


Then slice your peaches into 8 wedges.

NOTE: Make sure your peaches are freestone ~ which means that the pit comes out easily.

The next step is to gently toss the peaches and the dry ingredients together. Then add the lemon juice and vanilla extract.

NOTE: My favorite vanilla is Nielsen~Massey. Don’t buy the cheap stuff.

Did you know that as wonderful as vanilla extract smells, it tastes aweful? Trust me on this.

As the peaches sit, they macerate ~ a fancy word meaning the fruit is infused with the spices and liquid ingredients. This step creates a syrupy liquid.  Yummy.

TIP: You can reserve this liquid and drizzle it over ice cream. It’s delicious.


While the peaches are macerating, remove 1 sheet of thawed puff pastry from the box and place it on a flour~lined counter.

NOTE: Immediately rewrap the other sheet of puff pastry in plastic wrap, place it in the paper wrapper, and return it to the box. You can put it back in the freezer.

Puff pastry comes folded like a letter. When the puff pastry has mostly thawed, open it up. Don’t forget to remove the paper liner!

Carefully open it up and roll out to a 12~inch X 16~inch rectangle.

Next transfer the dough to a sheet pan lined with parchment paper. I like to roll the dough on my rolling pin to do this.

TIP: Don’t buy cheap sheet pans. They can twist and warp in the heat of the oven.


Remove the peaches from the liquid and place them in 3 columns across, in a single layer, from one end of the dough to the other.

Fold over the edges of the dough, crimping at the corners. Drizzle on 4 tablespoons of the syrup. (Don’t forget to keep the rest for ice cream!)

Using a pastry brush, brush the edges with heavy cream and sprinkle with turbinado sugar.

NOTE: Turbinado sugar is coarse raw sugar that has been steam~cleaned. It is a blonde color, similar to brown sugar, and has a delicate molasses flavor.

Finally, place the sheet pan in the oven and bake until the dough is puffed and golden brown. The peaches should be bubbling.

Here is the finished peach galette. Let it cool on a wire rack for about 1 hour. Isn’t it pretty? And I promise it’s delicious.

I like to serve it with vanilla ice cream or sweetened whipped cream.

Summer on a plate!

I found this basic recipe in Southern Living years ago but changed up a few things.


Peach Galette Dessert

Delicious summer dessert. Easy recipe using puff pastry.
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 55 minutes
Total Time 2 hours
Serving Size 8 servings



Peach Filling

  • 6 medium peaches freestone (cling~free), ripe but still firm
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons heavy cream
  • 1 tablespoon turbinado sugar


  • Prepare the Filling: Stir together the sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cornstarch in a large bowl.
  • Cut each peach into 8 wedges and place in a large bowl. Add sugar mixture to peaches. Gently toss to coat. Add the lemon juice and vanilla; gently toss to combine. Set aside.
  • Prepare the Puff Pastry: Preheat the oven to 425˚F.
  • Carefully open one sheet of thawed puff pastry. On a floured surface, roll it out to a 12~inch X 16~inch rectangle. Using a rolling pin, transfer to a half sheet pan.
  • Remove peaches from the bowl, reserving 4 tablespoons of the liquid. Arrange the peaches in a single layer on the dough, overlapping slightly. Leave a 2~inch border along each edge. Fold each side of the puff pastry up over the fruit. Using a pastry brush, brush the crust with heavy cream, and sprinkle with turbinado sugar. Drizzle reserved 4 tablespoons liquid from the bowl over the peaches.
  • Bake in preheated oven 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350°F, and bake until golden brown, about 40 minutes. Cool 10 minutes on baking sheet; transfer galette to a wire rack, and cool 1 hour.
  • Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or dollop of whipped cream.

I really hope that if you like peaches, you will make this easy peach dessert. A galette is the perfect summer dessert. You should also try my recipe for Peach Cobbler.

Be sure to PIN it to save for later. Happy Eating.

pin for later graphic in blue

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  1. This looks so beautiful and delicious! I can’t wait to try it! Thanks for the recipe and inspiration! I’m sharing your post with my followers in my Sunday round up From My Neck of the Woods.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing, Kristin. Glad you love the recipe.

  2. I had never heard of a galette. Thanks for the lesson! visiting you from the party in your pjs link up.

    1. Hi Lauren and thanks for visiting from Party in Your PJs. Glad you like the recipe. Come back for more!!

    1. Thank you so much, Rachelle. Can’t wait to see it.

  3. What a beautiful looking recipe! I am looking forward to fresh peaches!

  4. Carol, its been forever since I made a peach pie. I noticed you didn’t peel the peaches and that saves quite a bit of time. Your galette looks scrumptious and something I need to make this summer.
    I would also like to feature it in an upcoming post called Friday with Friends on August 7th. The post will be on summer foods.
    Please let me know if are open to it 🙂


    1. Nope, no need to peel the peaches. Thanks for asking to feature. Can’t wait to see the post.

  5. I love how you explain each step of the recipe, thank you! I think tossing the peaches in the ingredients first looks like it will really make the galette beautiful and delicious!

    1. Gigi, thank you. As a cooking instructor for 12 years, I truly believe it’s important to know the process more than just following a recipe. Now you can be creative!

  6. This looks so easy, but yet elegant for serving up to house guests! I have been wanting to try a galette, and I think you have convinced me it is easy enough to try!

    1. Chloe, thank you so much. It is easy! Try it and let me know what you think.

  7. Yes I did and I’m so glad you heard me! I’ve had peaches on my mind for the last couple of weeks. The ones at the grocery store are less than stellar so it’s time to venture out to the Farmer’s Market. Thank you for joining us this week at Celebrate Your Story and happy baking!

    1. Sandra, I’m so glad I read your mind.I’ll be posting more about peaches cause they are just too good not to celebrate.

    2. Sandra, I’m so glad I read your mind. I’ll be posting more about peaches cause they are just too good not to. Thanks for hosting the party.

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