10 Fabulous Finds at Bluesky Browsing #4
10 Fabulous Finds is back for another week. It’s time for more fabulous finds for the home, crafts, and resources to inspire, entertain or inform you.
It’s the first week of September ~ actually, it’s Labor Day Weekend. Have a little extra time? Then enjoy reading about these 10 fabulous finds.
Labor Day is the closing bookend of summer. It’s the time we turn the page to a new season with new colors and iconic items, such as pumpkins, hay bales, and falling leaves.
I discover such fabulous finds for the home, crafts, and resources to inspire us. My goal is to help you find ideas for your home decor, your crafting, your home organization, and anything about home. I’ll throw in some good blogging information that I think will be beneficial to you.
Every day I add to my list of good things to share. New and wonderful ideas pop up in many places.
10 Fabulous Finds at Bluesky Browsing #4
I thought you might want to know how I don’t forget the fabulous finds for the home, crafts, and resources that I come across and keep track of them. It’s simple: I use NOTES on my iPhone/iMac. When I see a super~duper idea, I copy and paste the link into NOTES on whichever device I’m on.
When I’m ready to write this post, I scroll through my list and pick ones for the week. After I’ve shared it, I BOLD it, so I know I’ve shared it. Easy Peasy.
What’s up this Labor Day weekend?
This post contains affiliate links to products and resources you may love to have. If you should purchase anything from this site, I may be compensated, but you don’t pay a penny more.
It was a regular blog work week. I shared some favorite DIY projects (updated, of course) and a brand new project. Two blog hops were all about fall decor.
- Oops, I didn’t get back to Mike Pearson’s Stupid Simple SEO course last week (This is an affiliate link.) I did read a couple of articles on SEO and Keyword Research. (See #4 below.)
- Another oops. I didn’t get back to Amy LeBlanc’s Scheduling Shortcuts. I can say that I continue to PIN using Amy’s stategy. I have it down now and it’s become my habit.
- I contacted BIg Scoots to set up a staging site while I switch from Genesis to Kadence and customized my new theme.
- I started paying attention to the information that the Keywords Everywhere Extension provides on Google. WOW! I decided to go one step further and purchase 100,000 credits for $10. This will give me more useful Information and I will probably not come close to using all the credits. I’ll let you know more as I learn how to use it.
- Here are the posts that I shared last week: 3 Quick Fall Crafts, Fall Leaf Art on Canvas, How to Make a Pumpkin and Floral Wreath , and 10 Fabulous Finds #3.

- I didn’t watch much of Virgin River this week. But Sweet Shark and I watched The Long, Hot Summer (Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward) and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Paul Newman and Elizabeth Taylor). Awesome classic movies with great actors and Tennessee Williams’ riviting story and characters.
- I freaked out last weekend when my DSLR was acting weird. I was scared to death, it was something major. I took it to the camera store (Competitive Cameras). They looked at it and said nothing was wrong with the camera or lens (Big sigh of relief!) It was my remote that was causing the problem. They also said not to use a remote with Bluetooth (my clicker wasn’t working anyway.); you get a much better connection with a plugin remote. $20 later I now have a new remote with two cords. One is two feet and I can add a four foot extension for a total of six feet. It’s awesome.
- I went to the eye specialist this week. It’s confirmed: my distance vision has gotten so bad that I’m now a candidate for cataract surgery. The first surgery is set for October 4th and the second for October 18th. I’m really excited to get this done. I hear that it will be amazing ~ seeing colors, no contacts, and much better night vision. I hope it will improve my tennis game. If you have had cataract surgery, I would love to hear about your experience.
- We are so enjoying our new backyard. It’s so much prettier and more enjoyable. We sit under the newly built patio with the ceiling fan on high in the evening and throw the ball to Nola. (A cold glass of Chardonnary may be envolved.) As soon as the sun goes down, we turn on the lights and it’s magical.
- I’ve added more fall decor since last week and tweeked a couple of things. Coming back from the camera store, I stopped at a couple of vintage stores and found a couple of cool things for fall. I’ll post them on my Instagram.
Here we go with Bluesky Browsing #4.
- I found these darling pillows for fall. What a great price and they are zippered and well~made. I haven’t yet decided where to put them.

2. Here are some really cool ideas for fall and Halloween decorating. I can’t believe I just typed H-A-L-L-L-O-W-E-E-N.
3. I just ordered these darling fall stencils from A Makers’ Studio. Can’t wait to use them. There’s more than just these designs to choose from.

4. Have you ever heard of Amazon Warehouse? Or am I the only clueless person on the planet? Anyway, here is the scoop.
5. I love appetizer parties. Little bites for guests to nibble on that do not require a fork. This Roast Beef Crostini looks so appetizing and sounds delicious.

6. Do you sew or use fabric in DIY projects? I discovered a new resource for wholesale fabric. I’m going to order new fabric for our patio furniture here. P.S. They are having a Labor Day Sale.
7. This super pretty fall decor in the kitchen. Here’s just the centerpiece, but you will want to see the entire kitchen.

8. Speaking of Sales: A Makers’ Studio is having 4 days of Labor Day sales. It started Friday and continues through Monday.
9. My email marketing service is MailerLite. They are always putting out great blogger resources. Here is a recent one about SEO ~ the subject we all love and hate. I never pass up a good article on SEO.
10. One of the coolest Dollar Tree hacks I’ve ever seen. This looks like an accessory you would find in a high~end home decor store.
I realized that I make so many projects using items from Dollar Tree and I Pin so many others’ that I created a new Pinterest Board ~ Dollar Tree Hacks. You are the first to know!
That’s a wrap for the fourth edition of Bluesky Browsing. What ideas would be helpful to you? I’d love to know the things that stop you in your tracks.
Are there any topics that you are especially interested in? Let me know in the comments and I’ll search browse for them. Be sure to PIN to keep these ideas handy.

In between writing posts, taking courses, reading, and doing various blogging tasks, I’ll be browsing away.
Have a great weekend.

I recently discovered your blog and am really enjoying reading it. I, too, love Virgin River. I binge watch each time there are new shows..then am impatient for some more….maybe if I watched one at a time…but what fun would that be.
I had cataract surgery 7 years ago and the difference was amazing from the first moment. I had worn glasses for almost my entire life (age 8 till I was 60 at the time of the surgery) and since then Only need reading glasses! To be able to look up and see things clearly..the joy can’t be described. The entire process was simple. Best wishes on your surgery and here’s to clear views!
Cindy, thank you so much for finding and reading Bluesky at Home. I’m thrilled you are here. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with cataract surgery. I am really looking forward to the new views. I can’t wait.
Hope (read prayer, too) that your cataract surgery goes well. Please keep us updated with your results. Everyone I know who has had it done is very pleased..This past week, I made half a dozen garlands with DT fall things–little trucks, pumpkins (foam, hard foam, velvet, and ginghams) and hay bales. Baker’s twine, different thicknesses of jute. One for us, some to sell. Finally found the pumpkin “wreathe” form; I want to try 2!
Thank you, Kathy. That’s what I here from others who have had the surgery. A dozen garlands!! You are a DIY ninja! Your ideas sound awesome.
Carol, I had cataract surgery the beginning of this year (Right in January and Left in February) and I am thrilled with the result. I opted for the monovision choice (one eye farsighted and one eye nearsighted) and had no trouble adjusting and can’t tell which is the primary eye in use at any time. I have worn glasses and/or contacts for a LOT OF YEARS and this is a real blessing for me. Yes, colors are amazingly clear and I can see when driving at night and also can read those street signs from much further away (and not have to make a last-minute turn!). It was one of the best decisions of my life. I’m sure you will be as happy and amazed as I was/am with result.
Ellen, I am so glad to hear that yours was so successful. I will be having monovision also. My distance eye (my bad eye) also has astigmatism so there will be a special lens put in my left eye. I hope it means much better vision and more color. I don’t drive at night much anyway, but being more comfortable will be wonderful. Thank you so much for reading Bluesky at Home and sharing your experience.
Oh, I loved reading your post and learning about some new things! Speaking of Virgin River – I seen all of the episodes so far! It didn’t finish and I’m waiting for it to return – I love it!
Hope you have a great weekend,
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 🙂
Oh, I finished Virgin River’s latest season, and cannot wait for the next one! As usual, a cliffhanger! We do a roast beef crostini here often for football food. Hope your cataract surgery goes smoothly.