10 Easy and Quick Organizing Ideas
Welcome to 10 Fabulous Finds at Bluesky Browsing #41. This week I’m sharing 10 easy and quick organizing ideas that aren’t just practical, but pretty.
With school almost out, you may (or maybe not) have some extra time for those projects you’ve put on hold. Like some easy and quick organizing ideas to help you be more efficient.
Think of 10 Fabulous Finds as a home decor/DIY/Craft/recipe Readers’ Digest.
In case you are new to Bluesky at Home, what fabulous finds do I share at Bluesky Browsing?
- ideas to help you in your home decor efforts
- ideas for better organization and efficiency.
- a yummy recipe or cocktail
- fun DIY projects
- the latest trends in home decor
- a quirky new find or two
Focusing on finding new projects, resources, tips, new ideas, and inspiration for you is my main task. I’m constantly discovering fabulous finds to inspire us. My goal is to help you find ideas for your home decor, your crafting, your home organization, and anything about home.
Ready to see this week’s fab finds?
This post contains affiliate links to products and resources you may love to have. If you should purchase anything from this site, I may be compensated, but you don’t pay a penny more.
In case you missed last week’s 10 Fabulous Finds, here is Bluesky Browsing #40.
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- After thinking about our Alaska trip since last September, after planning and preparing for weeks, our 2~week trip to Alaska came and went so fast. Last Saturday, we took a bus, two flights, and Uber to get home. Two weeks ago, we were in Juneau walking along the Mendenhall Glazier and Nugget Falls in awe of the magnificent scenery.
- All the posts I scheduled before we left town went out, although a couple of emails had to be resent (user error, I’m sure.) Instagram and Pinterest scheduling worked, too. (Thank you, so much, Tailwind.)
- I plan to share a detailed post on our Alaskan trip next week. For now, I’ll just say this: if you have never been to Alaska, start right now to plan a trip. It is one of the best American treasures. There is nothing like it anywhere else in the world. The beauty and majesty, the culture and history are unique. We were told that only 4% of the “lower 48” ever visit “the last frontier”. Be part of the 4%.
- With a three~hour time change, a sun that rarely sets, and the normal jet lag, it’s taking us a while to get back on a normal sleep pattern. Even Nola who spent two weeks at dog boarding has been getting up 3 ~ 4 times during the night. Needless to say, we are short on a good night’s sleep since returning home.
- In spite of slapping myself to stay awake (!!), this week on the blog was all about Best Summer White Wine Sangria, Easy Summer Outdoor Table Decor, and Favorite 4th of July Party Recipes.

Best Summer White Wine Sangria, Easy Summer Outdoor Table Decor, Favorite 4th of July Party Recipes
Here we go with Bluesky Browsing #41.
- Do you subscribe to magazines? I do. They often end up in a pile, taking up valuable counter space. Not to mention that they add to the clutter. Jennifer of White Tulip Design shares a pretty and practical way to store magazines

2. Following on the magazine organization DIY, I thought I would include my “don’t~waste~your ~side~cabinet~space” idea with this way to display dishtowels. (There are 5 total organization ideas on that post.)

3. You know all those spaces that seem too small to make use of? Here are 21 ways to make any space become a home for all sorts of stuff. This one was one of my favorites. If you have a shallow space that could be used, this one is for you.

4. I love it when adding storage space is practical. Even better when it’s also pretty. You would never guess that these floating shelves from Kim of Interior Redoux have hidden storage space. Get the tutorial and make your own.

5. Honestly, I had no idea that there were so many organizing shows on TV ~ especially on Netflix. Here are 5 organizing shows worth taking a peek at.

6. I love boxes. Shoe Boxes, Amazon boxes, gift boxes. It seems such a waste not to reuse them ~ and make them pretty. Here’s a simple way to make all the ugly boxes pretty and functional.

7. All these organizing ideas made me hungry for organizing tools to make organizing easier. (Yes, I used the word “organizing” three times in that sentence. Here are some goodies I found that may help you.
- Rubbermaid Closet Kit
- Shelf Dividers ~ perfect for keeping sweaters and t~shirts neat
- Over~the~Door Shoe Rack
- Clear Plastic Storage Boxes with Lids ~ the most versatile storage ever
- Under the Bed Storage Boxes ~ we have about 8 under our bed for out~of~season clothes storage (they also keep Nola from crawling under the bed. This set is the best price I’ve found and they are not as heavy as plastic.
- Hooks ~ can’t have enough of them
8. Speaking of boxes, during lockdown when everyone was decluttering their homes, I found 4 wine crates on the neighbor’s curb and turned them into pretty and practical storage for my office. Still one of my favorite upcycle projects.

9. Ok, this may not be the sexiest organizing idea, but it is definitely practical. Need a place to store the TP? Make this easy TP holder and storage stand for one of our most essential household items.

10. BOOK OF THE WEEK: The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles.
I started The Lincoln Highway before we left for Alaska. Because it’s a large book and a hardback, I decided to leave it at home. I started it again as soon as we returned and finished it a few days ago.
I loved Towles’ other book, Gentleman from Moscow. The Lincoln Highway is another story with such well~developed characters and such an amazing tale that you will love it, too.
The story begins in 1954 Nebraska. Eighteen~year~old Emmett Watson is being driven back to his family’s farm by the warden at a Kansas juvenile work farm for boys. Emmett’s father has died and his eight~year~old brother Billy is waiting for him to come home.
Emmett is actually a good kid, respectful, hard~working, and intelligent. The incident that landed him in the boys’ camp was an accident and he was provoked.
The family home and farm have been foreclosed and Emmett believes they need a fresh start.
Emmett and Billy plan to drive to California. Their mother left the family after Billy’s birth and they plan to find her. A postcard she sent to the boys leads them to believe she is in San Francisco.
Billy, a very precocious child, insists that they follow the Lincoln Highway, the first highway that spans the width of the country from Times Square to San Francisco.
However, their plan is waylaid by the unexpected appearance of Woolly and Duchess, two young men who Emmett met in Salina. From there, the story becomes a comedy of errors, led primarily by Duchess whose motives are not as honorable as Emmett’s.
Along the way, they stop at the orphanage where Duchess’ father dropped him as a young boy. They are forced to hitch a ride on a freight train, cross paths with a devious pastor, are rescued by a traveling black man named Ulysses who saves Billy, and spend days in New York City trying to recover Emmett’s Studebaker.
The story winds and turns and twists, but there is always meaning to their journey, unexpected connections, and curious revelations.
Amor Towles has a way of telling a story, returning to the characters’ pasts and then moving forward to connect the dots of their lives. There is a whimsical, fantastical feel to the story, like the ending was pre~ordained and the reader was brought along for the ride.
You will love almost all the characters, especially Emmet and Billy. In the end, this is their story, with many other characters woven into their journey.
Run to the story, order or borrow this book. It’s one of the best I’ve read this year. Next on my list is Towles’ first book, Rules of Civility.

That wraps up this week’s Bluesky Browsing #41. I hope that you enjoyed these organizing ideas. I think they are great projects and resources for you.
I’d love to know what subjects you are most curious about. Let me know in the comments and I’ll search browse for them. Be sure to PIN to keep these ideas handy.

In between writing posts, listening to podcasts, reading, doing various blogging tasks, walking Nola, and playing tennis, I’ll be browsing away.

TP holder is my favorite. Thx for sharing all those good ideas