Top 10 Bluesky Kitchen Posts for 2016

Top 10 Bluesky Kitchen Posts for 2016 ~ a look back at the posts and subjects that my readers liked most as in the first year of Bluesky Kitchen.

It’s that time of year for all the Top 10 Lists: Top 10 Movies, Top Ten Restaurants, Top 10 Travel Destinations. After planning and goal setting for 2017, I’m taking a step back to look at 2016 one more time, specifically, what posts did you like the most? As the first full year of writing this blog came to an end, it’s a good thing to see what you liked to read about and what sparked your interest. As a person who is interested in many things (too many sometimes, Sweet Shark thinks), I have to keep my focus on those few things that really matter in my world and yours. In the blogging world, that’s called finding your niche. So thanks to Cami at Tidbits for encouraging me to follow her lead (Here is Cami’s Top 10 List.). Drum roll please, for the Top 10 Bluesky Kitchen Posts for 2016.

This post contains affiliate links to products that I love, use and highly recommend. If you should order any product through this site, I may receive compensation, but you don’t pay one penny more.

1. Unclutter the Clutter ~ Learning from the French   January

Top 10 Bluesky Kitchen Posts for 2016 ~ a look back at the posts and subjects that my readers liked most as in the first year of Bluesky Kitchen.

This post from last January really got your attention and I wasn’t surprised. We all love decluttering our spaces and the new year always seems the time to start fresh. This post was inspired by the Jennifer L. Scott Madame Chic books that I was reading. And to let you in on a little secret ~ most of those spaces have stayed fairly clutter free for a whole year. If you want a guide to organizing and decluttering told in a humorous, insightful manner, order this series right now and start off 2017 on the right foot.

2. Holiday Home Tour Blog Hop Shares Cozy at Christmas   December

Top 10 Bluesky Kitchen Posts for 2016 ~ a look back at the posts and subjects that my readers liked most as in the first year of Bluesky Kitchen.

Obviously looking at beautiful Christmas decorations was high on everyone’s list. This post introduced you to not 1, but 2, Christmas decor blog hops I did in one week. I didn’t think that was the smartest decision I ever made, but it was great for readers.

3. Silver and Gold Tablescape Shines for the Holidays   November

Top 10 Bluesky Kitchen Posts for 2016 ~ a look back at the posts and subjects that my readers liked most as in the first year of Bluesky Kitchen.

As part of the Holiday Tablescape Blog Hop hosted by Chloe at Celebrate and Decorate, this is without a doubt the prettiest tablescape I’ve ever created and my very favorite. And you loved it too. We enjoyed it throughout the holidays and had a lovely New Year’s Eve dinner with the Santas, candles and my gold and silver DIY gift boxes. It got packed away this weekend, but I may repeat it again next year.

4. How to Decorate Your Table for a Fall Party   October

How to Decorate Your Table for a Fall Party. Tips for preparing and making a table pretty, functional and festive for a fall party.

Once again, tablescaping is a popular topic. This post was part of a Fall in Love with Texas Blog Hop hosted by Katie at Let’s Add Sprinkles. The occasion was an appreciation event for a local magazine that I write a monthly article for. Great timing. This was a fun tablescape to create and allowed me to show that creams and blues can be quite fall~ish. I also shared how to make cupcake toppers and a delicious recipe for pumpkin cupcakes.

5. Pecan Rum Tart is the Perfect Dessert for Thanksgiving   November

Top 10 Bluesky Kitchen Posts for 2016 ~ a look back at the posts and subjects that my readers liked most as in the first year of Bluesky Kitchen.

This recipe post was over the top with readers. Thanks to my friend Grant, I shared this fabulous tart with you and one of my cooking classes. It was a hit on Instagram and Pinterest, too. If you missed it, hop on over to the post and print the recipe out for next year. You can send me a thank you note next Thanksgiving.

6. Fall Dinner Party Celebrates an Autumn Tablescape September

Top 10 Bluesky Kitchen Posts for 2016 ~ a look back at the posts and subjects that my readers liked most as in the first year of Bluesky Kitchen.

Which comes first? the tablescape or the party plan? Well, in this case, the tablescape. Created to usher in the fall season and shared on the Autumn Tablescape Blog Hop, this tablescape post was fun to do and the decorations dressed up our dining room for the month of October. I liked it so much that I told Sweet Shark that we needed to have a dinner party and we did. I’m not sure which our friends liked the most ~ the food or the decorations.

7. How Our Home Sparkles and Shines for Christmas December

Top 10 Bluesky Kitchen Posts for 2016 ~ a look back at the posts and subjects that my readers liked most as in the first year of Bluesky Kitchen.

I absolutely love decorating our home for the holidays. It really is a labor of love cuz, let’s face it, it’s hard work and takes about 4 days to totally finish. We had more decorations than ever before and I only bought one new roll of ribbon. At the end of 2015, I purchased one new wreath and a new flocked garland for the dining room on sale. They were still in their boxes. And I continued my love affair with battery operated lights, making a trip to Target for a dozen more strands of lights. We didn’t use them all, but I am fully prepared for next year.

8. Romantic Coastal Tablescape   July

Alfresco Tablescape vases

I am not going to lie. It’s hot in July in Texas; actually, it’s blazing hot. And, unfortunately, as much as I love the beach, we don’t live anywhere near the coast, unless the coping on our swimming pool counts. When Chloe asked me to be part of her first tablescape blog hop, I was excited and intrigued by the concept. This tablescape gave me the perfect opportunity to create some sea glass bottles that I had been thinking about. And yes, I made Sweet Shark eat outside that night. My motto: never let a beautiful tablescape go to waste.

9. The Best Lemon Pie from our Lemon Tree   February

Top 10 Bluesky Kitchen Posts for 2016 ~ a look back at the posts and subjects that my readers liked most as in the first year of Bluesky Kitchen.

We have had a Meyer Lemon Tree for several years and the past two years (2014 and 2015) we had bumper crops of 40 and 50 lemons. Sweet Shark had been begging me to make him a lemon pie like he remembered his mom making. I tweaked a couple of recipes and make him this one which he loved.  Unfortunately, this year’s crop was sorely lacking ~ I think we only got 8 lemons. And, despite Sweet Shark’s best efforts (a light inside a sheet covering the tree), a hard freeze right before Christmas pretty much killed it.  You don’t have to have Meyer lemons to make this pie, so I hope that you’ll give it a try.

10. DIY Charm Packet Challenge   July

Top 10 Bluesky Kitchen Posts for 2016 ~ a look back at the posts and subjects that my readers liked most as in the first year of Bluesky Kitchen.

This post resulted from a group of Texas bloggers having lunch and a craft workshop with KariAnne of Thistlewood Farms. We each took swatches from her line of fabrics and came up with our own DIY project as part of this challenge. It was fun to create a project that didn’t necessarily have a practical purpose other than to see what we could produce from the same source. I’ve been saving my project to put in my new office. (Reveal coming soon.)

Several other posts almost made it in the top 10  Bluesky Kitchen posts for 2016: other recipes, my home tours and DIY projects. This was a nice walk down memory lane for me and I hope introduces new readers to some of my favorite topics and what I love to write about. I do have to say that most of the top 10 posts were in collaboration with other bloggers on blog hops. As a new blogger, I am so appreciative of the opportunity to work with established bloggers and meet new readers through them. This blogging community is so generous and giving and I really am thankful for the boost in readership. “Meeting” new people from all over the planet is like icing on the cake. Maybe bloggers will bring peace and understanding to the world.

As another statistic, my best months in 2016 were January, July, October, November and December. December was the best month of the year, so all those blog hops do pay off. 4th quarter was my best so that shows that engagement got better as the year progressed. Onward and upward!

I hope you enjoy the year in review and are ready for some awesome content in 2017. Thanks so much for reading and following and commenting and subscribing. You make my day ~ and my year.



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  1. It’s wonderful to go back and look though all these wonderful posts. Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party, and happy 2017!

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