Quick Halloween Tweak Before Thanksgiving
Here we are at the end of October, Halloween is tomorrow night (I know if you have kids you may have already celebrated Halloween.), and then it’s November and we are into the Thanksgiving season. From there it’s a fast ride for the rest of the year, with decorations, holiday entertaining, baking, shopping, wrapping, and celebrating. Before Sweet Shark and I left for Hawaii, like a whirling dervish, I decorated the house for Halloween. When we returned last week, I thought my decorations needed a quick Halloween tweak, just a few changes and additions here and there. So before we turn the page on Halloween and jump into Thanksgiving, I thought a little more spookiness was in order.
I’m always tweaking, touching, moving things around in our home. Who else does that, too? I shared how I originally decorated the house for Halloween with witches and scarecrows, so I couldn’t help myself when returned home. I decided a little adjustment, some moving around a bit, a little quick Halloween tweak was needed. And I added a few new items that I had not put out.
Quick Halloween Tweak Before Thanksgiving
I started in the entry hall by adding most of our scarecrows to the hay bales that I had already put out for fall decorations. Grouped together they take on a more important role ~ a place of honor, a welcoming party. Small, medium and large, they are a happy team.

Since I would be using some of our fall decorations for Thanksgiving, it was easy just to add to them for Halloween. On the console, a few dollar store sparkles in orange and black, some black fencing and 2 more scarecrows found a home for Halloween.

On the mirror above the console, I added some glittery orange beads. Some more glittery orange stems gave the wreath a little sparkle.

I love our large candle stand by the stairs. I always decorate it for Christmas and now I decided that a strand of black garland that wasn’t being used would be perfect here. I added a couple of Halloween birds to complete the scene.

Moving into the living room, I moved around the witches on the mantle. My sea glass bottles received some more sparkly stems. A spider web cloth adds more color contrast with the white mantle.

Below this lovely witch is a bit of Homer. Homer is one of our new additions this year. Sweet Shark bought him last year on sale after Halloween and he was still in his box. Poor Homer. I almost forget him.

Meet Homer. A sad sack if ever there was one. He actually adds some Halloween ghoulishness to the fireplace. I may put him outside on Halloween.

That’s my quick Halloween tweaks. In a few days they will all be gone, packed up for another year. Then guess who appears? Turkeys, turkeys, turkeys.
Homer will be taking a long nap, along with the witches and scarecrows.