Choosing Patio Dining Chairs Sponsored by Wayfair

A few weeks ago when Sweet Shark and I updated our backyard patio, one thing that became clear was that we needed new patio dining chairs. After all, we had just found and restored a teak dining room table that allowed for more seating. We moved 2 of our dining chairs over to be part of a newly arranged seating area. The 2 flea market garden chairs that I loved to look at (and no one wanted to sit in)would just not work. Choosing patio dining chairs began immediately. Fortunately, Wayfair came to the rescue.

I have worked with Wayfair a few times in the past, first for our dining room makeover a year ago for the One Room Challenge. Our patio coffee table and our patio rug are from Wayfair. Our search to find the right patio dining chairs was in perfect timing with Wayfair’s Taste of Summer promotion.

Wayfair Taste of Summer banerLike selecting any new piece of furniture, choosing patio dining chairs that are right for your space and needs takes some time. Since I wanted Sweet Shark’s input on this decision and I knew that he would not want to go shopping in real life, I knew that using Wayfair as our shopping resource was the only way to go. 

First, I had to get Sweet Shark to help me decide exactly what we needed in patio dining chairs. Because Wayfair has such an extensive inventory, as in thousands of choices, if I was going to do the online shopping and narrow our choices down in choosing patio dining chairs, we would need to make a list of our preferences. I think this approach is the way to handle any major home decor purchase, whether you are shopping at a brick and mortar or at an online resource. It will save you time, money and frustration. 

Choosing Patio Dining Chairs Sponsored by Wayfair

This post is sponsored by Wayfair, but all opinions are my own.

As a reminder, here is our patio update where you can see the table with our old chairs. 

Make Your List of Preferences

Here are the preferences are any piece of furniture you are shopping for, but definitely with choosing patio dining chairs in mind.

  • Material ~ for outdoor patio dining chairs, you have several choices: wood, metal, wicker, rattan, plastic, resin, or a combination. Since our teak table and our coffee table were wood, we ruled wood out. Since our love seat and 2 big chairs have metal bases and 2 chairs are totally metal and all the table bases are metal, we scratched metal off the list. We didn’t think wicker or rattan would blend with the furniture we already had on the patio. Although we weren’t sure about patio dining chairs made of plastic, we decided to focus on that material. Decision: plastic/resin
  • Style ~ arms or no arms? First we didn’t think arms were necessary, and secondly, we didn’t want to deal with the arms not fitting under the tabletop. Our patio area is not large so we didn’t want bulky chairs. They needed to fit easily under the table with 2 chairs comfortably on each side of the table. Since the teak table was the focal point, we wanted a simple style that would blend in with the table, rather than stand out. Color was also a consideration. We decided neutral was best in a color that was close to the dark metal of the table and furniture bases we already had. Decision: no arms, in black or dark brown, simple profile
  • Comfort ~ this was a very important consideration. When I’m eating, I like a chair that has almost a straight back rather than one that leans back. Also, since most of the time when you are dining outside the weather is warm (or hot here in Texas), we are wearing shorts and maybe bathing suits. I wanted a chair that would be comfortable under our legs (another reason to rule out metal chairs. Decision: straight backs, no slats or mesh
  • Weight ~ we wanted chairs that were lightweight for moving around on the patio. Decision: lightweight 
  • Cleanability ~ is that a word? I wanted chairs that would be easy to keep clean with just a hosing down. Decision: easy to clean
  • Wearability ~ we do not have a covered dining area, just an umbrella over the patio table. We needed chairs that would withstand the hot sun and the elements. We also decided that if the chairs were stackable and we could store them in the garage in the winter months, that would be a real plus. Decision: stackable, sun and weather~resistant 
  • Cushions or No Cushions? ~ I did not want to deal with a chair that had to have a cushion to look good. I love cushions and pillows, but cushions would be an added expense and most of the time they don’t stay clean. So we looked for chairs that would look nice as is. Decision: chairs with no cushions
  • Price ~ cost is always a consideration. Sometimes this may be a preference that narrows your choices down immediately. The great thing about shopping online, and especially at Wayfair, is the ability to filter your preferences for faster shopping. We decided that we would not spend more than $75 for each chair. Since we needed 4 chairs, our budget was $300. Decision: under $75 each

With those preferences made, I could look online at Wayfair under patio dining chairs and then filter for each category. 

Wayfair patio dining chairs

Finding the Right Patio Dining Chair

I love the filtering feature of shopping at Wayfair. I just clicked on the choices we made. I like to show the choices so I can be sure I clicked on the right ones.

Wayfair Filtering featureSweet Shark asked me to narrow the choices down to 3 or 4 (I love that he leaves this part up to me!). This is the fun part. Even with my choices narrowed down, there were still plenty of choices. I won’t go through all the possibilities (vertical backs, round backs, horizontal backs) and the ones I didn’t choose, but here is the one that we did choose because it met all our needs: The Neve Outdoor Stacking Patio Chair.

Neve Patio Dining Chairs

Because this chair came in a set of 4, it was even better. Also it is possible to order the same exact chair through a different vendor in a set of 2 should we decide we want more in the future. One click and the chairs were ordered and on their way. 

Wayfair Belz patio dining chair


Our Neve Patio Chairs Arrive

These chairs had a molded one~piece form so there was no assembly. I will say that I was a little surprised with the packaging when it arrived. I was afraid there might be damage to the chairs.

patio chairs in packaging

Fortunately, the chairs were strapped in well and were in perfect condition. We pulled them out of the package, cut off the plastic bubble wrap and set them in our entry. Although they were not heavy at all, they felt solid and sturdy. Sweet Shark and I sat in all 4 chairs and we both declared them comfortable.

Our Patio Dining Chairs in the Backyard

We easily carried them out to the patio (remember, we wanted lightweight) and placed them around the table, 2 on each side. We left our garden stools at each end. Since my daughter and son~in~law were in town, I had reset the table with my 4th of July decorations. 

The chairs fit easily between the table legs with plenty of room to spare.

patio table with new chairs from Wayfair

I didn’t realize that the black chairs would match the black umbrella pole, an added bonus.

new chairs from Wayfair

It would be easy to move the chairs around for a party.

new chairs from Wayfair

And we had to test their “stackability.”

new chairs from Wayfair

I had my daughter test drive the chairs. In spite of the heat that hit Dallas when she arrived, she said that the chairs felt cool and comfortable. The design makes the chairs more breathable.

patio table with new chairs from Wayfair

And were comfortable for sitting while dining.

patio table with new chairs from Wayfair

My 2 granddaughters insisted on trying the chairs out too.

child sitting at patio table with new chairs from Wayfair

child sitting at patio table with new chairs from Wayfair

I was relieved and thrilled with our patio dining room chairs. We made the right choice. The shopping was easy, the ordering quick and efficient. 

Now we can enjoy the rest of the summer dining outdoors ~ if it’s not too terribly hot. I envision us eating on the patio more often now since we now have comfortable chairs to sit on. I really like having 4 chairs all the same for a more coherent look.

patio table with new chairs from Wayfair

Thanks so much to Wayfair for sponsoring this post and working with me on selecting the right patio dining chairs.

Oh, and did I mention that Sweet Shark likes them too and is a happy camper. What do you think about our choice?



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  1. Can you share how to get Wayfair to sponsor you?? : ) I tried once, for some swivel bar height stools— but I never heard back from anyone….

    Liberty @

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