Gold and Gaudy Cabinet Makeover Revealed

Hello. I’m glad you are back.

Yesterday I shared with you the gaudy, gold cabinet that Sweet Shark and I inherited from his mom.

Gold and Gaudy Cabinet Makeover Revealed

I finally got the courage and the will to transform it. It turned out better than I expected and now that it has graced our entry hallway for a few weeks, I really love it.

After painting, sanding and distressing, Sweet Shark (Yes, I do ask his opinion sometimes.) thought the leaf motifs needed more emphasis, so I went back and rubbed a little Annie Sloan Dark Wax just on those areas. He was right. Looks much better.

Gold and Gaudy Cabinet Makeover Revealed
Gold and Gaudy Cabinet Makeover Revealed

Now where to put the cabinet? It couldn’t stay in the breakfast room. We had one spot in our long entry hallway that might work. We moved a statue on a stand into Sweet Shark’s bar which left an area between 2 columns. If you notice the pads on the feet, the cabinet was leaning a bit forward, so we added them to stabilize it.

Gold and Gaudy Cabinet Makeover Revealed
Gold and Gaudy Cabinet Makeover Revealed

A good fit. Noticeable, but unobtrusive.

Now for the fun part. What to put in the cabinet? A little scavenger hunt through the house revealed some treasures.

On the Top Shelf

a Bible that Sweet Shark had as a little boy, a Bible quote that was my mother~in~law’s, a silver oyster shell (a gift from our older daughter) and my younger daughter’s silver teething ring.

Gold and Gaudy Cabinet Makeover Revealed

Second Shelf

a picture of Sweet Shark (yes, dear readers, that is the man ~ isn’t he cute?) and me, a flea market French~looking box, a porcelain rose ( a gift from a sorority sister years ago for being in her wedding), and a porcelain painted egg (another gift from a friend).

Gold and Gaudy Cabinet Makeover Revealed

Third Shelf

2 silver cups plucked from the dining room and 8 of my mother~in~law’s Estée Lauder solid perfume containers that she collected. (We have another 25 in a cabinet in our bathroom and on my vanity. They are just beautiful and I love that I have them because they were hers.)

Gold and Gaudy Cabinet Makeover Revealed

Bottom Shelf

a ceramic planter for a pop of color

Gold and Gaudy Cabinet Makeover Revealed

I know that I will rearrange and move in and out objects for the cabinet. Won’t that be fun?

I just wished that I had painted the cabinet earlier and not waited 8 months.

Better late than never. Now it’s an interesting piece to see as I walk by it each day ~ filled with little treasures to evoke a memory, a thought, a smile.

It’s curious ~ the things you think you don’t need sometimes are the very thing you do need.

Even if they are gold and gaudy.

Do you have a gold and gaudy? Don’t wait to make it your very own.

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  1. Carol, your cabinet turned out beautifully. Thank you so much for sharing at Vintage Charm and I picked your post as my feature of the week for Vintage Charm 33.

    1. Sharon, thank you so much. I am really happy with how the cabinet turned out. Thanks for the selection.

    1. Cecilia, sometimes selecting the colors for a project is the hardest part. This time I knew the look I wanted so that helps narrow the choices down. Thanks so much for visiting me at Bluesky Kitchen.

    1. Ashleigh, I know sometimes it’s hard to paint a much loved piece of furniture, but unless it’s an antique, my thinking is, why not? I will definitely share on your link party. Thank you for the invitation.

  2. Carol, this cabinet turned out SO very well!! What a beautiful transformation…you did a great job. I love what a coat or two of paint can do to a piece. 🙂

    1. Isn’t paint amazing! I just wish I hadn’t waited so long. I have several other projects in the queue. Got to get busy!

  3. This looks like it was meant to be this color! Can’t wait to see it in person. That silver oyster shell is from Charleston!!

    1. Jenn, I forgot that’s where it is from. Makes it more special.

  4. It’s beautiful! We have a bench and a chair with gold leaf on them that came from my husband’s grandmother. They’ve been in the garage for months but you are inspiring me.

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