10 Statistics on Organizing That Will Encourage You to Declutter
It’s spring and everyone is in the mood to declutter and start fresh. How do you feel about clutter and organizing your home? I’m constantly thinking of ways to be more organized. Recently, I read 10 statistics on organizing that will encourage you to declutter.
These 10 statistics on organizing will encourage you to declutter. They will help you live and work in more organized spaces.
Last year, I was knee~deep in declutter mode.
I had read the Madame Chic series. I shared how I decluttered my closet, unclutter the clutter in our “hot spots” and how I de~trashed my kitchen and bedroom drawers.
I’m happy to tell you that my efforts have stayed pretty much intact. I’ll give the inside of our house, especially since I now have my own office space, a B+. These 10 statistics on organizing got me thinking again about areas that need a little cleaning out and straightening up.
Just so you know, the sources for10 statistics on organizing came from many sources, but all are reputable, so you’ll just have to trust me.
I know some folks have a fear of public speaking or flying. Believe it or not, some people get sweaty palms just thinking about cleaning out their closets. Are you one of those?
Or are you on the other side of the spectrum, a constant organizer who can’t stand for anything to be out of place?
According to these sources, we all have issues with keeping our spaces ~ whether home or work ~ neat and organized. See how you fall into these groups.
As you read these 10 statistics on organizing, ask yourself where you fall in the percentages. I found them to be enlightening.
I’d love to have an extra 30 minutes each day.

Last year when I decluttered, I felt so good ~ it was like 30 pounds had been lifted off my shoulders. I am definitely motivated to do more decluttering. Empty space looks really great.

Sometimes you just have to set aside your reservations about decluttering and get to it. Like any task that really needs to get done, you just have to find the time. Rainy days are good.

When you can’t find things ~ your keys, your phone, that note you wrote, an important list ~ it definitely adds stress. Lack of organization obviously has a negative effect on our productivity and stress levels.

I have to say this is true.
Once at the home of an acquaintance for an event, I had to use the restroom. She told me to use her daughter’s bathroom (a graduating senior). I had never seen such a mess ~ it was really gross. The fact that the hostess told everyone to use this messy bathroom really took her down a few notches in my mind.

I’m definitely in the 82%. I really believe the more organized you are, the better your quality of life ~ as long as you don’t become obsessed with it. A stray shoe or unmade bed once in a while won’t hurt you.

Since finally getting an office a few months ago, I feel so much more productive and less stressed. Having everything I need to work close at hand and in its place has decreased the amount of time it takes to complete a task.

Remember the lady I mentioned above with the messy bathroom? I wonder if she knew how her guests were reacting. Was she embarrassed? I know when we have guests visiting, I want everything to be neat and organized.
TIP: Have a “stash drawer” or a big basket for everything that’s out of place, such as papers to be filed and mail, ironing or shoes that didn’t get put away in their proper place.

Here’s a great reason to get organized. We all know that stress increases our eating ~ even when we are not really hungry.
Did you know that being disorganized can do the same thing? If being organized keeps me from eating junk food, then I’m even more committed to decluttering.

Sometimes we just don’t have the time, the inclination or the expertise to organize our spaces. That’s when it’s time to call in an expert. The money you spend will be well~worth it in the long run.

Did these 10 statistics on organizing encourage you to get on the decluttering bandwagon? Be sure to PIN this information so you have it handy.
Do you think about decluttering your digital devices? Would you like a checklist to help you declutter and get more organized?
Here is one that will definitely help you get started. Click on the image below to get your PRINTABLE.

Right now, I’m trying to get Sweet Shark to help me organize our garage – the last vestige of unorganized clutter. Wish me luck.

Getting organized and decluttering seem to get harder for me the older I get, but I am working on decluttering this spring. We just had our floors updated and had to move everything out of the rooms. Now, instead of just moving everything back where it was, I am analyzing what to keep, what to get rid of, and where to put what I do keep. Some things that are staying are being used in a different space than before. I’m loving how things are looking.
Judith, that’s a perfect time to evaluate your stuff, declutter and organize.