10 Signs of an Early Spring ~ It’s a Big Tease

Oh, what warm weather we are having. I’m seeing signs of an early spring. Spring is being a big tease. I don’t know where you live, but here in North Texas, Saturday was one of those absolutely beautiful days: clear, crystal skies, cool~warm temperatures, no wind, and the air felt clean and invigorating.  A day when signs of an early spring are teasing you. A day that makes you think SPRING! and then you look at the calendar and realize we are still in the middle of March.

Now, I have to admit that March is not one of my favorite months, along with January and February ~ cold, rainy, raw, cloudy, windy. But this winter has been crazy. I know many of you who have never seen snow have been making snowmen. In our neck of the woods, we often have ice and snow during the first three months of the year ~ but not this year. In fact, 2017 has been actually very warm. That’s why spring is coming earlier this year and I have seen 10 signs of an early spring. That’s fine with me. I’ll take spring anytime.

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Saturday morning I saw this picture in my inbox from Le Creuset.

10 Signs of an Early Spring ~ It's a Big Tease

Now if that picture doesn’t say SPRING, I don’t know what does. Le Creuset cookware in signature colors of Caribbean Blue, Palm, and their new color Hibiscus, just make me yearn for pastels, sandals, sleeveless dresses, and tropical drinks. My three favorite colors of blue, green, and pink just shout happy. (We have some pieces in Caribbean Blue and Palm. I may have to get something in Hibiscus.) And then later on Saturday morning when I started walking around our yard, I couldn’t believe what I saw. Regardless of what the calendar says, I saw not 1, not 2 or 3, but 10 signs of an early spring and I think it’s a big tease. But that’s O.K. I can take a little teasing when it’s pretty flowers peeking out of the ground and green shoots curling out of the ground.

10 Signs of an Early Spring ~ It’s a Big Tease

Our wood ferns are suddenly sprouting new green fronds.

10 Signs of an Early Spring. Beautiful photography of early sprouting spring flowers and herbs brought on by warm weather and blue skies.

Our parsley is thriving, vibrant green and perky.

10 Signs of an Early Spring. Beautiful photography of early sprouting spring flowers and herbs brought on by warm weather and blue skies.

The chives suddenly have turned green and grassy-looking.

10 Signs of an Early Spring. Beautiful photography of early sprouting spring flowers and herbs brought on by warm weather and blue skies.

I looked down and there was a hosta peaking out of the dirt.

10 Signs of an Early Spring. Beautiful photography of early sprouting spring flowers and herbs brought on by warm weather and blue skies.

A few feet away our hydrangea have little leaves sprouting from woody branches that were bare last week.

10 Signs of an Early Spring. Beautiful photography of early sprouting spring flowers and herbs brought on by warm weather and blue skies.

But it got even better. Peonies are one of my favorite flowers and I had long ago resigned myself to never having one, but spring of 2015 Sweet Shark and I planted a peony ~ a variety that is especially bred for Texas.  It bloomed profusely and was just beautiful, its large, soft pale pink blooms made a joyous sight in the backyard.  It came back last year with a dozen buds that I just knew would blossom into large, pink flowers. Then nothing happened. I waited and waited and nothing happened. The buds got hard, then soft and I knew with a sinking heart that we were not going to get any flowers. I asked one of our local nurseries and was told, it was a fungus. You have to spray early to prevent the fungus from stunting the peonies. So this year, Sweet Shark has sprayed the peonies and I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Please cross yours, too. As I continued my yard tour, I noticed in the peony pot these tiny, but definite sprouts. I’m anxiously waiting to see what happens this year.

10 Signs of an Early Spring. Beautiful photography of early sprouting spring flowers and herbs brought on by warm weather and blue skies.

Now around here, snapdragons are cool weather flowers, but ours had not started blooming ~ until now ~ with their happy, yellow blooms.

10 Signs of an Early Spring. Beautiful photography of early sprouting spring flowers and herbs brought on by warm weather and blue skies.

Dianthus are also cool weather flowers that had not showed up yet. But last week they started showing off their pretty little heads.

10 Signs of an Early Spring. Beautiful photography of early sprouting spring flowers and herbs brought on by warm weather and blue skies.

But here is the prettiest newcomer in our front yard. I noticed earlier last week that our tulips were coming up ~ about 3 weeks early.  And last week, a few opened their leaves and beautiful pink tulips peaked out. SPRING is definitely teasing us.

10 Signs of an Early Spring. Beautiful photography of early sprouting spring flowers and herbs brought on by warm weather and blue skies.

10 Signs of an Early Spring. Beautiful photography of early sprouting spring flowers and herbs brought on by warm weather and blue skies.

10 Signs of an Early Spring. Beautiful photography of early sprouting spring flowers and herbs brought on by warm weather and blue skies.

So SPRING has come early ~ a few weeks early ~ to North Texas. We’re not complaining. Spring and summer are my favorite seasons, and I am so ready for warm days, cool nights, relaxing out by the pool with a tall glass of sweet iced tea and a good book.

But I know SPRING is being a big tease. Hopefully, we won’t get a freeze in the next 2 weeks. But I know SPRING will be back to stay for good in a few weeks. It will be a long few weeks. I’m so ready to get out and plant our annuals in our 10 hay racks on the back fence.

Don’t forget that today is the last day to sign up for the dish towel giveaway. Contest ends at midnight and I’ll announce the winner on Friday. Leave your email in the subscribe box and you’re in.

10 Fun, Easy Projects for Repurposing Dish Towels. What can you make with a dish towel? Pillows to curtains to gift wrap and art.


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  1. You’re not kidding, spring really IS coming early in your neck of the woods! So many beautiful flowers….can’t wait for the peonies! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm! xo Kathleen | Our Hopeful Home (formerly Charm Bracelet Diva {At Home}

    1. Kathleen, spring isn’t teasing anymore. It is definitely here. Temps in the 80’s this week and our plants are loving the warm weather and cool nights.

  2. Carol,
    Yes, spring has shown up all around me. I saw my first blue bonnets on I-30 between Arlington and Ft. Worth on Friday, March 4! Bluebonnets are my unofficial signs of Spring’s arrival. The average last freeze date in the DFW area is March 13 and the last recorded freeze date is April 13, 1997. While we can still have a freeze, I’m telling myself, “Winter is over.”


    1. Judith, I’ll have to travel a bit south on 1-35 to see some bluebonnets, but it’s so nice to know that they are popping up. Bluebonnets are a sign of spring in our neck of the woods. March 20 is officially spring ~ that’s less than a week away. That also means it will be time to start digging in the flower beds and prepping the soil for new plants. Can’t wait!

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